Our mission is bigger than selling candles. Our aim is to create a community of customers and employees who share the same vision us. 

From the beginning, our mission has been to give back, support communities and protect the planet. We are a purpose-driven company that aims to set standards of quality, fairness and excellence in the service we provide. When you see Fade Candles you will see QUALITY.

Quality is the number one focus for our business. Everything we put out MUST be at the highest level of quality. Self-love and wellness is also a strong mantra of ours and tis is the reason why each of our products has a healing concept.

In terms of giving back to the community, we are both mothers so we know how hard it can be to balance life and work. One of our main plans is to be able to provide a non-judgemental working environment. 

Diversity in the workplace is so important and cannot be overlooked anymore. Your employability should not be based on the colour of your skin but on the quality of your work. That is what we want to build for the future. A company that supports ALL its employees and doesn't discriminate.

We really hope that by reading this article, you get a better understanding of who we are and what we want to achieve with the Fade brand. 

We all matter, and we can only change this world for the better if we work together and give EVERYBODY a fair opportunity to grow.

Here’s to a better future.